Introduction to Family Law and Practice (2 CEU)



Covers various subject areas in family law, and introduction on how to practice in the family law area. The main topics covered are marriage, divorce, division of property, spousal support, child custody and visitation, child support, adoption, and domestic violence.

Focuses on substantive instruction and skills training in issues most prevalent to a family law practitioner. The course will cover selected subject areas in family law, such as annulment, divorce grounds and defenses, spousal support, child support, property division upon dissolution of marriage, ante-nuptial agreements, post-nuptial agreements, and child custody and visitation. Students will receive instruction in the preparation of pleadings, motions, court orders, and agreements. Students will also participate in simulated in-class exercises, including in-class simulated client interviews and court hearings. Pre-requisite.

Office Virginia

1101 Wilson Blvd 6th Floor, Arlington, Virginia 22209

Office Florida

121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1500, Orlando, Florida 32801

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