Mediation Continuing Education Programs

Based on Florida Supreme Court Certification Requirement

Florida Mediator Recertification Continuing Mediation Education (CME) Programs

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Certificate Programs for ADR Professionals


Boost Your Productivity with Google Workspace! Discover how to streamline your workflow and enhance collaboration with our self-paced virtual course, Google Workspace Essentials. From managing emails and files to creating stunning presentations and collaborative documents, this course equips you with the skills to make the most of Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet. Perfect for professionals, students, or teams looking to work smarter, not harder. Enroll now and transform the way you work!

Mediation Basics

Certificate Program in Legal Studies

This Legal Studies Certificate Program is designed for individuals pursuing careers in law or legal-adjacent fields, professionals seeking to strengthen their understanding of legal frameworks, and students preparing for law school. Whether you're aiming to build a career as a compliance officer, legal assistant, or policy advisor—or simply looking to gain a strong foundation in legal studies—this program equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success. It also serves as a valuable stepping stone for aspiring law school candidates, offering critical insights into foundational legal concepts and practical applications.

Literacy Helping Students Construct Meaning

A leading resource for K–8 literacy programs that fully integrates the Common Core State Standards, this popular reading methods resource provides aspiring teachers with the tools to help every student learn to read and write. LITERACY: HELPING STUDENTS CONSTRUCT MEANING, features early coverage of assessment in recognition of its foundational nature, and provides pre-service and in-service teachers with the information, strategies, and techniques they need to assist their students in becoming literate. This course distinguishes itself through its use of practical literacy lessons and authentic examples of children’s literature, which clearly demonstrate how to teach reading and writing.

Teaching for Student Learning Being A Master Teacher

The purpose of this course is to guide aspiring and current educators on a transformative journey toward mastering the art and science of teaching. This course provides a solid foundation for effective classroom instruction across grade levels and subjects, with special emphasis on developing a reflective teaching practice, fostering inclusive learning environments, and aligning instructional strategies with research-based principles.

Exceptional Student Education: Lower Functioning Autism

This course is designed for teachers to expand their practical and theoretical knowledge of autism, with a focus on educating students at the lower functioning end of the spectrum. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate competence in effective listening and communication skills; understand the biology and characteristics of autism; differentiate between various aspects of ABA behavior analysis; complete a functional behavior analysis; identify challenging behaviors; identify and develop appropriate curricula; apply various instructional techniques in the classroom; understand the components of life skills, social skills, and communication skills instruction; and research best practices.

Assessment In Special Education

The course is designed for teachers to expand their knowledge of assessment with regards to the special needs classroom. Students will be able to identify and evaluate the appropriateness of various assessment formats.

Human Exceptionalities, Schools and Communities

The course is designed for teachers to expand their practical and theoretical knowledge of exceptional education, with a person-centered approach to the lives of people with exceptionalities in the twenty-first century.

Office Virginia

1101 Wilson Blvd 6th Floor, Arlington, Virginia 22209

Office Florida

121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1500, Orlando, Florida 32801

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