Now, when everyone has a video camera in their pocket, now, more than ever, this is the time to conduct; Diversity Inclusion, Customer service, Crisis Management, training at all levels in your organization. How can you afford not to?
Every business owner wants to sell their products or services and, not coincidentally, every business owner is inundated with pitches from peers. It is the nature of business and, while social media and email have increased the volume of pitches over what business owners faced a century ago, nothing is new. There is just more of it. It’s called “noise” and there’s a lot of “noise” out there.
I hope you won’t think that I am adding to it because my goal is to break through the noise so you will clearly understand that when I say, “I want to save your business,” you know I mean it and that it is not hyperbole, exaggeration or overstatement.
Why it is important for you to offer one of my online Cultural Sensitivity courses to your employees, as well as to train them in the subject? Because, if you don’t, you could realistically lose everything if just one of your employees makes a mistake at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
Any company that is open to the public needs to think about this and how they treat customers. Diversity Inclusion and Tolerance must be part of every organization’s quarterly training plan, not to mention Conflict Resolution training for all employees and leaders. Carpenters are not the only ones who need a well-stocked tool kit. So do you!
Crisis management tools must be in every leader’s satchel. The Starbucks incident holds lessons for companies across the board. Starbucks in this particular case did a nice job of hitting the nail on the head and by so doing, reinforced some of the gold standards of crisis management.
What they did was actually quite simple: First, they did not procrastinate. The responded immediately. Second, they did not lie. There was no, “The video is misleading; it only shows part of what happened.” They accepted the truth. They did not spin it. Third, they apologized on live, national television. Their CEO called it a “reprehensible” act. Fourth, the manager who was at fault was fired. Now to be fair, they gave him his dignity and announced that he had left by “mutual agreement,” but he was fired. That’s just how classy people act, even when the person doesn’t deserve it. And, fifth, they did not go small, they went large. They could have said that their HR policies were adequate and one out of 8,000 stores, and one out of 175,000 employees, was an anomaly. No, that’s not what they did; they shut all their stores and retrained all their employees.
That is precisely what we will train you to do, after we educate you and your employees about how to avoid Starbucks situations. But there is more: If you sell a product, and the product is faulty, you will learn how to react, including working with the relevant authorities and recalling the product without delay. We will train you how to apologize. Saying “I take responsibility. I apologize.
This will never happen again,” is simply not enough. We will demonstrate the right way to go out of your way to show you are doing everything possible to solve the problem. Prevention, of course, is crucial. You will learn how to identify your vulnerabilities, find ways to stop them from blowing up, have a plan for what to do when the worst happens, and how to keep the plan updated. What was good five years ago, won’t work today. And what works today, probably won’t work when we enter the next decade!
Everything, in the end comes down to human relations. We will guide you through our effective process of developing strong relations with employees and customers. Lastly, we will not allow you to ignore your competitors. They must be kept in the loop. That is the only way to stop the shock waves flowing through to the rest of the industry when something goes terribly wrong. It may not be fair, but you will all be painted with the same brush!
Take the appropriate action as many responsible leader have done. Visit the Corporate Training Center at Create a winning team and a cooperative work environment.
Guno Ritfeld
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