
The course is designed for teachers to expand their practical and theoretical knowledge of exceptional education, with a person-centered approach to the lives of people with exceptionalities in the twenty-first century.

$225.00 per 180 days
Course Access

90 Days




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Short Course Description

Location: Virtual Self-paced | Instructor Guided

Length:  45 Clock hours | 4.5 CEUs IACET

Description:  The course is designed for teachers to expand their practical and theoretical knowledge of exceptional education, with a person-centered approach to the lives of people with exceptionalities in the twenty-first century.

Objective:  The course objective is for teachers to expand their practical and theoretical knowledge of exceptional education, with a person-centered approach to the lives of people with exceptionalities in the twenty-first century.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate competence in effective listening and communication skills; recognize exceptionalism in several forms, including mental and physical; develop a positive mindset towards those with exceptionalities; and learn how cross-professional collaboration enhances the lives of exceptional individuals and their families.

Instruction: Methods of instruction include audiovisual materials, case studies, discussion, learner presentations, and lecture. General course topics include exceptionalities in the 21st century; education for all; inclusion in elementary school years; secondary education and transition planning; cultural and linguistic diversity; exceptionalities and families; learning disabilities; emotional/behavioral disorders; intellectual and developmental disabilities; communication disorders; autism spectrum disorders; severe and multiple disabilities; sensory disabilities; physical disabilities; and gifted, creative, and talented education.

Methods of Assessment: Methods of assessment include quizzes and presentations, with a minimum passing score of 70 percent.


Dr. Sara Hoefler
Profile Photo
Instructor: Dr. Sara Hoefler currently engages in private practice for child and adolescent behavior, parent coaching, and life skills coaching. With 25 years of experience in the field, she is an expert in special education. Her years as a principal of a K-12 school serving exclusively special needs students has given her expertise and insight into how to best work with parents to find the most appropriate options for their children socially, academically, and developmentally. She holds current certifications in education (K-12) and brings hands-on experience. Dr. Hoefler also co-authored and organized training events in Special Education meditations for teachers, mediators, and lawyers through the Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy.

Office Virginia

1101 Wilson Blvd 6th Floor, Arlington, Virginia 22209

Office Florida

121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1500, Orlando, Florida 32801

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