Short Course Description
Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a form of abuse that many people have heard about, but are not quite sure what it is. Learn about the history of this tactic, the toll it takes on its victims, and the profile of the gaslighter. This insidious manipulation is often termed "hidden abuse" as it works from within.
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Dr. Sara Hoefler
Dr. Sara Hoefler currently engages in private practice for child and adolescent behavior, parent coaching, and life skills coaching. With 25 years of experience in the field, she is an expert in special education.
Her years as a principal of a K-12 school serving exclusively special needs students has given her expertise and insight into how to best work with parents to find the most appropriate options for their children socially, academically, and developmentally.
She holds current certifications in education (K-12) and brings hands-on experience. Dr. Hoefler also co-authored and organized training events in Special Education meditations for teachers, mediators, and lawyers through the Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy.
Content was concise and informative.
We’ll done, disturbing subject matter
Very good explanation of this type of abuse
This is an eye opening presentation. It is comprehensive in the context of dfining behavioral patterns and characteristics, but could (if perhaps longer) include more solid exapmles of how the various tactics of narcistic personalities actually detrimentally influence the vulnerable subjects of their actions.
Interesting. Although I don’t do family law mediations, I have seen gaslighting in business settings where one has economic, and emotional power over another in a partnership. The abused has a hard time breaking up the relationship, seemingly “needing” the abusive partner to continue on with the partnership.