Short Course Description
Course purpose: While this course is NOT a replacement for knowing and understanding the employment laws that affect your business, this course will reveal the most common employment laws and how they can affect the way you do business. An employee's conduct on the job is, in all respects, of concern to the Federal government. Courtesy, consideration, and promptness in dealing with the public must be shown in carrying out official responsibilities, and actions which deny the dignity of individuals or conduct which is disrespectful to others must be avoided. Employees must recognize that inattention to matters of common courtesy can adversely affect the quality of service the organization is responsible for providing. Where appropriate, courtesy to the public should be included in the standards for employee performance. Of equal importance is the requirement that courtesy be shown in day-by-day interaction with co-workers. Employees shall be polite to and considerate of other employees, and shall respect their needs and concerns in the work environment. In this course we will address the following:
- The civil rights act of 1964.
- Title VII- Employment laws.
- Prohibited Employment Practices.
- Equal Employment Opportunity and the Equal Opportunity Commission.
- Labor Laws related in Employment.
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Good quick overview of SH in the workplace.