About Us

Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy (ADRA) was founded in 2007 by Guno Ritfeld, Jd. LL. M, as a division of Resolute Mediation & Arbitration Inc (RM&A) to provide career certification programs and professional development workshops for individuals to gain skills and certificate experience across professional industries, including Human Resources, Mediation, Law, and Equal Employment. ADRA is owned and operated by Guno Ritfeld, a retired US Armed Forces Commissions Officer.

Mission Statement: to provide accessible, advanced and quality instruction of industry recognized skills and certifications to transform careers and develop leaders within their profession.

Objectives: Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy (ADRA) is committed to the following goals and objectives:

1. Prepare professionals in education, law, mediation and Equal Employment Opportunity for recertification with quality IACET CEU courses;
2. Prepare students with little to no industry or professional experience with skills, certifications, and guidance into professional fields including HR, Equal Employment and Law;
3. Provide quality instruction and resources for professionals with Career certifications to advance their career and skill portfolio;
4. To continue to build a strong network of skilled industry professionals for ADRA’s instruction and coaching team;
5. To treat all students and clients with respect, time, and quality instruction;
6. To remain flexible in adapting curriculum to online accessible platforms and providing quality services to students and clients with their needs in mind.

Locations: ADRA’s instruction is provided online, with our office located in Arlington, VA. We hope to bring in-person instruction to the Virginia Community in the near future!

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Meet our Staff


Office Virginia

1101 Wilson Blvd 6th Floor, Arlington, Virginia 22209

Office Florida

121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1500, Orlando, Florida 32801

ADR Academy(ADRA) © All rights reserved.